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AISOC: Pioneering future technologies

Logpoint server subscription: secure.

Applied Analytics

Add-on solution for Logpoint that enables easy access to specific...

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Logpoint server subscription: secure.

Logpoint for IoT

Logpoint licenses on a per IoT device basis. Special licensing...

Price on Application

Logpoint server subscription: secure.

Logpoint for Municipalities

Logpoint licenses on a per citizen basis. Special licensing available...

Price on Application

Logpoint server subscription: secure.

Logpoint for Councils (UK)

Logpoint licenses on a per citizen basis. Special licensing available...

Price on Application

Logpoint server subscription: secure.

Logpoint for Hospitals

Logpoint licenses on a per hospital bed basis. Special licensing...

Price on Application

Logpoint server subscription: secure.

Logpoint for NHS Organizations

Logpoint licenses on a per hospital bed basis. Special licensing...

Price on Application

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